My Summary Of...
"The Dietary Guidelines For Americans"

Recommends Food Intake by Age-Sex Groups
Recommends Nutritional Goals for Age-Sex Groups
Gives Sources for Potassium, Calcium, Vitamin D, and Dietary Fiber
Cross References for over 100 Pages of Additional Information

As You go through your daily activities - you can often experience periods of Low Energy.  this happens mainly because…

The foods we buy and eat today do not supply all of the required vitamins, minerals or phytonutrients
It's almost impossible to know which ones are best matched to your individual nutritional needs.
There are so many supplements, energy drinks, powders, shakes and additives available.
Trial and error testing can become very expensive, waste a lot of time and still leave you uncertain if you've made the right choices.

The US Dept. of Agriculture Dietary Guidelines is a publication that consist of over 140 pages of text, charts and tables showing the average persons levels of intake compared to the recommended quantity of vitamins, minerals, plant base nutrients and fiber.

this condensed Quick Reference Guide will provide you with the charts i found to be
most useful for day-to-day planning and meal preparation.

you can Save valuable research time,  Download the summary to your phone or tablet
for a handy quick reference guide when shopping or preparing meals

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